Square truss PROLYTE

X30V H30V H40V S36V S52V S52SV S66V S40T C52T D75T
The H30 and H40 structures are versatile because they are stronger, more versatile and designed for multiple uses in the installation, rental and exhibition markets. The innovative Verto structure is designed for indoor applications and stands out for its speed of assembly and silent installation. The range of robust structures offers solutions for applications requiring high loads or longer spans. The range includes regular square structures, such as the S36V, S52V and S52SV, and specially designed tower structures, such as the S40T, C52T and D75T.


X30 V

H30 V

H40 V

S36 V

S52 V

S52 SV

S66 V

S40 T

C52 T

D75 T

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